b'#TransformTheTradeA new initiative to promote quali ed and quality laborBy Lesley Goddin, EditorTheindustryandtheworldAlbrecht of J&R Tile, San Antonio, asweknowithasbeengoingTexas; Trask Bergerson of Bergerson through some changes. But in theTile & Stone, Astoria, Oregon; and midst of the upheaval, some newformerCTEFIndustryLiaisonand initiatives and energy are emerg- Promotions Director Heidi Cronin.ing to move the industry forwardMattice brought this catch-phrase, in a positive way.as well as several others, to a Zoom EventhoughtheCertifi edTilemeeting of CTIs the last weekend Installer(CTI)testshavebeenputof April for feedback. We polled on hold in light of COVID-19, in theeveryone about messagesnot just latter part of April, some discussionabout the [CTI] test, but how it corre-began percolating about crafting alates with CTEF mission statement, message that summarized the mis- Mattice said. Transform the Trade sion of the Ceramic Tile Education(#transformthetrade)wastheover-Foundation (CTEF) and the broaderwhelming favorite of the group.mission of elevating the tile trade asThealliterativephrasewasalso a whole. This phrase would need tochosenbecauseofthedifferent be easily and readily accessible bywaysitcansuccinctlyhighlight those on social media.othercoremessagesoftheCTEF CTEFboardmemberJosephmission, such as:Mattice,ofOntheLevelTilein TransformtheTradeTakethe Greenville,S.C.,togetherwithTestNTCA Assistant Executive Director Transform the TradeProve your-Jim Olson, NTCA Training DirectorselfMarkHeinlein,andCTEFsScott Transform the TradeBecome a CarothersandCatheyMcAlister,CTIexploredseveralslogansandtag Transform the TradeJoin CTEFlines.OneofthecontenderswasWedeterminedtobeginusing Transform the Trade, which orig- #transformthetrade as a hashtag on inallyemergedfromdiscussionsour posts and emails and YouTube, withMattice,andothernewly- etc., Heinlein added. named CTEF board members, ErinFromthere,Matticeconnect-12 TileLetter | June 2020'