b"EDITOR'S LETTER back to being caterpillars! tocontinuebringingimportant Now in June, where do we stand?information to tile contractors. And Howfaralongtobecomingbut- becauseNTCAtrainersarenot terfl ies do we fi ourselves? Hastraveling to NTCA Workshops, theynd your state opened up? Partially?have some time to author excellent Completely? What is the caseloadtechnical articles for TileLetter, like ofinfectionslikeinyourarea?thepieceonlayoutthismonth, How have you changed your workwritten by Robb Roderick.processtooperatesafelyduringNo one knows the exact trajec-the crisis, and how will you engagetoryforthismetamorphosis.The in public gatherings as the summerhopeisthatwebegintoentrain wears on? Have you received gov- and work togetheras an industry ernment relief to assist your busi- andacountrytoemergewith ness or has red tape or inadequatenewskills,technologiesandeco-funding grounded you?nomic structures that characterize It seems to me that we are still inanewincarnationofwhathas chrysalismode(asofthiswritingexisted before. It could be a beauti-on April 27), and the new beingful thing. Lets do what we can to thatwillemergeisstillforming.make it so. Weareadoptingnewfeatures. Ourmajortradeshowwascan- Blessings,celled, but 4,000 people attended or participated in the virtual trade show Coverings Connected at cov- Lesleyerings.com. People are connectinglesley@tile-assn.comprofessionallyandpersonallyvia Facebook,Zoom,GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts and other virtualInacaptioninMaysOne-to-conferencingservicesformeet- Oneinterview ings, classes, worship services andwithRobert even dinners and cocktail parties.Roberson,it Irecentlygottovirtuallymeetisincorrectly peopleIhadonlyemailedwithstatedthathe duringa TileChixzoomcocktailhasbeenwith party.YoullreadaboutsomeofDavidAllen these creative technologies in thisCompanyfor months Business story, written by57years.In Contributing Editor Louis Iannoco.fact, Mr. Roberson has NTCA has partnered with work- been with David Allen shophoststoconvertin-personCompany for 63 years, events into virtual training events,since 1957.16 TileLetter | June 2020"