b'CASE STUDYStantonsaid,sincethetranslu-centmaterialtakesuptheinner tonesofredandbluesinthe glasstiles,andhelpsblendin the color. PERMACOLOR SELECT wasStantonschoiceforgrouting porcelain fl oors and walls. To level the out of whack sub-fl oor prior to installation, Stantons crew poured almost a 1-1/2 of self levelerbeforesnappingelectric fl oor warming wires into the 3/8 Repel Heat Board. Stantoncreatedacustomlight fi xtureintheshowerwithRepel board,withroundedcornersand tiled with mosaic. It provides light SPECTRALOCK epoxy translucent groutand the shower head runs through helped blend the color in the glass mosaicthe middle of it. tiles.Another challenge that presented itself was the toilet, sunk into the wall beneath piping. Stanton chose to strike back by working around the old cast iron pipes, designing shelvingaroundthetoiletthatis integral to the design of the space. As of this writing, the project is nearly complete, waiting for door hardwareonorderfromChina thats been delayed by the COVID-19 outbreak. Asafi nishingtouch,thebath-roomisaccentedwithactual Disney Star Wars light sabers and Resistance and Empire helmets. This contractors vision, profes-sionalconnectionsanddedica-tion turned an outdated, tumble-Stantons crew poured almost a 1-1/2 ofdown shop bathroom into a new self leveler before snapping electric fl oorhope, full of fun and delight for warming wires into the 3/8 Repel Heat Board.years to come. 80 TileLetter | May 2020'