b'Schluter: creativity, craftsmanship, and a complete installation system lead to stunning projectSupports for the slab bench were anchored to the framing and then covered with KERDI-BOARD building panels that had been routed to fit flush over the brackets.shower.Coronafloatedamor- Systemsinstructions.Thewalls tarbedslopedtotheSchluter- were constructed using Schluter-KERDI-DRAINinthecenterofKERDI-BOARDasalightweight the shower. Since there would beandeasy-to-installalternativeto nocurb,itwassimpletocon- backerboard covered with a mem-tinue the DITRA-HEAT-DUO mem- brane.braneandheatingcablesacross the shower entrance and over theFloating shower bench surfaceofthemortarbed. WhileShowerbenchesservepractical the uncoupling membrane is itselfpurposesintiledshowers,and waterproof and the heating cablesthe sleek appearance of a floating are rated for wet applications, thebenchcanmakeforanelegant entireshowerbasewascovereddesign feature. The owners desired withtheSchluter-KERDIwater- asinglepieceofstonespanning proofingmembraneperSchluterthe full length of the 76 wall with-42TileLetter | May 2020'