b'TECHNICAL Use your time wiselyBy Scott Carothers,Director of Certification and Training, CTEFMost of us would agree that therement as: The process of planning is just not enough time in the dayandexercisingconsciouscontrol togeteverythingdone.Thereisof time spent on specific activities, alwayssomesortoffiretoextin- especiallytoincreaseeffective-guish, the unexpected phone callness, efficiency, and productivity. that takes longer than planned, orFurther, planning or forethought is pleasing your customer who wantsthe process of thinking about and toaddmoreworktotheprojectorganizingtheactivitiesrequired justwhenyouwereplanningtoto achieve a desired goal.call it complete. In order to apply these principles The work is on the schedule andin the tile trades, an installer must needs to be completed as planneddevelop a plan of action by either andpromised.Buthowdoyoubuildingtheprojectinhisorher squeezemoretimeoutofthehead prior to beginning the work, clockorjammorestuffintotheor by sketching it out on a piece of available time? The answer is timepaper. Having a plan in place is the management. roadmaptoasuccessfulproject Wikipedia defines time manage- completion. Waiting in line at the wet saw to make two cuts is a huge waste of time. 76TileLetter | February 2020'