b'EDITORS LETTERLesley A. GoddinPeople who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the prob-lems of modern society. Vince Lombardi It is December 5, and I am sittingshare that information with you is at my desk in New Mexico final- becausesomeofyouhavebeen izing the content for our Februarycontactingmeaboutcontributing issue. storiesandwearealwaysvery I dont generally discuss the innerhappy when you are! We love shar-workings of TileLetter, but I thoughtingvoicesfromtheindustryand itmightbeusefulforreaderstofrom the field. So, I wanted to give knowalittleabouthowwegetyou an idea of how far ahead we things done around here.work. For instance, by February 12, Currently, we are working a cou- allthecontentforourCoverings ple of months ahead, to make sureissue will be delivered to Michelle wecangetTileLettertoyouinChapman for the magazine design, a timely fashion. Thats especiallyand then we proof it several times tricky around now, since we haveto hopefully eliminate any errors in twoextraissuesTRENDSandcontent,spelling,punctuationand COVERINGSthrownintothethe like. If you have a hankering to mix in the late winter/early spring;submit a story for TileLetter, feel free and to get those completed on timeto email me at lesley@tile-assn.com we need to be early (not to men- to run your idea by me and give me tionsomemajorholidays!).Restan idea of when I can expect it so I assured that staff writers and indus- can fit it into our schedule. try contributors are working to pro- SinceImentionedourstaff,I vide relevant content to illuminate,wanttotakeaquickminuteto educateandinspireyou.Ouradthank all of them for their support reps are also busy getting commit- recently. This is the first editor letter ments from advertisers to fund ourIve written since Ive gotten back issue and provide you with infor- into the swing of things after 3.5 mationaboutgoodsandservicesmonths in New Jersey, taking care provided by industry members. of clearing and selling my moth-OneofthereasonsIwantedtoers home (she recently entered an 14TileLetter | February 2020'