b'BUSINESS TIP BUSINESS TIPgeneral contractor. For the general is sponsored by contractor,pass-throughclauses provideawayofensuringthat subcontractors, suppliers and other downstream parties are required to comply with certain prime contract MAPEIsKerapoxyCQisrequirements. However,subcontractorsmay animproved,two-component,attempttorejectresponsibilities 100%-solidsepoxygroutandflowingdowntothemwhenthe mortarthatisnonsagging/non- pass-throughtermslacksufficient slumping in joints up to 3/8" (10clarity as to the subcontractors spe-mm)inwidth,water-cleanablecificcontractualandcompliance and easy to apply. Kerapoxy CQobligations. Subcontractors will want usesaproprietaryaggregatetoto limit or reject overly broad pass-through clauses whichfor example achieve its durable color, making make them assume responsibilities it excellent for countertops, high- meant for other parties or that incor-trafc areas, and areas needingrectly excuse a prime contractor for stainandchemicalresistance.its mistakes while still flowing down Easy to maintain, Kerapoxy CQthe responsibility for the mistakes to willcleantotheoriginalcolorsubcontractors. and contains BioBlock technologyOtherpass-throughclausesmay require that subcontractors be paid to help protect against mold andby the general contractor when the mildew. mapei.com generalcontractorispaidbythe owner. In such a scenario, a savvy subcontractorwillwanttoreduce the risk of non-payment by negoti-ating and re-drafting terms to avoid limiting the subcontractors rights or remedies in the event of a claim or payment dispute. Subcontractorsandcontractors shouldworkcollaborativelyto negotiate,reviseorremovepass-through clauses that are of concern or to re-balance the risks. Therearemanyotherscenarios to which pass-through clauses can apply and where their effectiveness 34TileLetter | December 2019'