b'TRAINING & EDUCATION adults interact with the students on(CTI) Program, he decided to use a a routine daily basis. CTI test module with a few modifi -Sanders headed up the tile com- cations. Theparticipantsthathave petition in SkillsUSA area. This yearbeen helpers on tile projects before there were eight competitors regis- stated that this test was comparable tered, and of those, fi ve participatedto what they would see on the job in the competition. As in previoussite. ThisyearswinnerwasJaden years,theknowledgeleveloftheBrockfromCalhounHighSchool; participants ranged from little or nosecond place was Dylan Taylor from experience up to working as helpersUpson-LeeHighSchoolandthird during tile installations.place was Nathan Selby from Shaw Sandersstated,Itisalwaysdif- High School. cult fi toplanforthiscompetitionAstheauthorofthisstoryand becauseweneverknowtheskillparticipant in this event each year, level of the participants. it is always great to see everyone in This year Sanders decided to givethe industry come together to plan, thecompetitorsatrueexampleofexecute, and give their time to edu-whatittakestosettile,includingcatestudents,teachers,andcoun-installingbackerboardandvaporselors about our industry and why barrier, setting and grouting tile, andthey should consider our trade. Due fi to the growth of this event each year,nishing the assembly with sealant. SinceSandersisaregionalevalu- in 2020 it will move to the Georgia atorfortheCertifi edTileInstallerWorld Congress Center, in Atlanta. Woody Sanders discussing proper trowel methods with a SkillsUSA participant72 TileLetter | May 2019'