b'ASK THE EXPERTSrequirementisfollowedalongwith installingtilethatmeetsthemanu-facturing standards of ANSI A137.1 and when the substrate flatness stan-dard for tiles with at least one edge 15 or longer is applied, the correct mortar is selected and mixed prop-TheHYDROBANpre-formederly,thecorrecttrowelisselected showersystembyLATICRETEand used properly by an adequately includes an expansive line of pre- trainedandskilledinstaller,asuc-slopedandlinearshowerpans,cessfulfinishedinstallationshould niches, seats and benches madeoccur.(Note:thesubstrateflatness withahigh-densitypolystyrenerequirement for a 12 x 24 tile only core.LATICRETEshowersystemsallows a maximum permissible varia-also provide accessories to offertion of 1/8 in 10 from plane with customers everything needed for ano more than 1/16 variation in 24 flawless shower installation, suchwhen measured from the high points as liquid-applied and sheet mem- in the surface.)branes,sealantsandlightweightAllow me to state this another way:ready-to-tile wallboard backed by Using tile that meets the require-the industrys best warranty. ments of ANSI A137.1 for Nominal ToaccommodatevirtuallyanySize, Caliber Range, Warpage and Wedgingshowerinstallation,LATICRETE Installingthattileonasubstrate haslaunchedaseriesofnew and improved grates and troughs in a variety of sizes and finishes, with custom sizes available upon request. www.laticrete.com. At Coverings 19, NTCA Training Director Mark Heinlein presented a demo about wall wash lighting and lippage, citing information from the ANSI standard, as two teams installed wall tile. 28TileLetter | May 2019'