b'TRAINING & EDUCATION the Career Expo area. Owen stated,tions even easier. Owen then spent Remembertheseareteenagers,his time talking with teachers and therefore; with 90% of the studentscounselors about career opportuni-youhavetotaketheinitiativetotiesavailableinthetrade.Owen interact with them. You cant wait forstateditisimportanttoalways the student to engage in a conversa- engagethestudentsinfl uencers tion with you about your industry. becauseattheendoftheexpo, So Owen decided to take a dif- whenyoureadistantmemory, ferent approach this year to showthe adults will retain the important students that it is possible to haveinformationyoushared,andthe acareerintile;hebroughttwo apprenticesandhisworkforce developmentmanager.When theyhaddowntime,theycon-tinuedtheirapprenticeshipclass-roomtraining,butwhenstudents attendingCEFGAwerearound, theapprenticestookoverand explained proper tile-setting tech-niques as students tiled demo walls and discussed what they do day-to-day on the job. In some cases, the students actually knew the appren- C.C. Owen employee Chad Nix spending downtime with apprentices Martin Sanchez tices,whichmadetheconversa- and Bubba Nix doing some training.C.C. Owen apprentice Martin Sanchez working with interested students explaining the proper method to install tile.70 TileLetter | May 2019'