cate clear expectations, create trans- parency and demonstrate respect on a corporate level. In our next step, we gleaned lessons from the book Good to Great by Jim Collins. One of the major take-aways was the concept of getting the right people on the bus, and then making sure those people were in the right seats. This brought a renewed commit- ment to hire only the “best fit” candi- dates and be willing to wait to hire if necessary. Everyone in the company took the “DISC” personality profile (a measure of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness), which helped us better understand which seats were the best fit for our employees. DISC also helped us learn how to understand and communicate with personalities very different from our own. On a structural level, we began dis- mantling some of the vertical silos that created division and started to build team levels of responsibility and accountability. This only works if all levels believe their voices are heard and can bring about meaningful change. To demonstrate this commit- ment, we assembled a cross-section of team members to review and modify the company policy manual. Next, we developed clear career paths and the training and education necessary for success to improve team member fulfillment and job satisfac- tion. A key principle I learned many years ago is, “There is no success without a successor.” So, as we seek to develop ourselves, we must seek to develop those we mentor. The goal is that as one person takes the next step in their career development, they will have trained and mentored their PRESIDENT'S LETTER ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CONGRATULATIONS National Tile Contractors Association Ring of Honor We would like to congratulate Dan Welch, President and CEO of Welch Tile & Marble on receiving the 2017 NTCA Ring of Honor award! We would also like to thank Dan Welch and Welch Tile & Marble for their commitment to the industry and ongoing support of Noble Company products. DAN WELCH 16 TileLetter | December 2017