The Installation Design Showcase at Coverings in April got a new spin this year. Usually, National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) Five Star Contractors collaborate with leading designers to install ceramic tile in vignettes on the show floor. Sadly, they are then demolished at the close of the show. Not this year! Contractors and designers collaborated on design- ing and installing tile in functional tiny houses on the showroom floor, which are being reused after the show. Creative designs utilizing many types of tile were installed in the three tiny homes throughout the show, allowing attendees to see their progress. The design was inspired by Dan Welch (whose company partici- pated in this year’s IDS: Tiny House edition), who hauled a shipping container to Coverings ’16 in which to build his vignette. Then he drove his vignette home and has employed it for multiple uses back in Michigan. All three installation companies have successfully completed the NTCA Five Star Contractor recog- nition program and employ install- ers who have passed the Certified Tile Installer exam administered by the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation. “I love the opportu- nity to showcase the technical as well as artistic capabilities of our Five Star Contractors,” said NTCA Five Star Program Director Amber Fox. In addition to the suppliers for the individual houses, iQ Power Tools, ETM, Lackmond, Schluter, and USG contributed tools, equip- ment and materials to the Tiny House effort. INSTALLATION DESIGN SHOWCASE NTCA Five Star Members complete Tiny House Projects at IDS 78 TileLetter | June 2017