Following along with the theme of my recent articles, I wanted to discuss three more courses that are available on NTCA University. They are introductory courses for prep materials, primers, and ref- erence manuals. Each of these courses is part of the Apprentice 0 – 6 month courses. Prep materials Surface prep is something that you need to learn early in your career. If the surface is not checked for the required flat- ness and levelness – and fixed if needed – then it really doesn’t matter how good your tile instal- lation is because over time, you could have problems. This course introduces the learner to potential bond breakers, reviews flatness tolerances stated in ANSI A108.01, provides basic informa- tion on expansion and control joints, and discusses various ways to fix the floor, such as using self- leveling underlayments, grinding, or even installing mortar beds. All of this information is dis- cussed in greater detail in the Apprentice 6 – 12 courses with emphasis on each specific topic, including a discussion on how concrete contractors and tile contractors measure floor flatness and levelness differently. Primers While there are many different types and uses for primers, this course is a general introduction to primers. This course identi- fies the basic definition of prim- ers, where you may see primers used, various ways that they may be applied, the importance of having a structurally sound and clean substrate prior to the primer application, and the importance of following manufacturer instal- lation instructions. As with the Surface Prep courses, we dive deeper into the different types of primers in the Apprentice 6 – 12 month courses. Reference manuals and documents A common theme that I hear NTCA UNIVERSITY UPDATE –––––––––––––––––––– Introductory courses on prep materials, primers and reference documents By Becky Serbin, Training and Education coordinator 100 TileLetter | June 2017