ficult to make a new decision that would position them for greatness. When the pain is at a level so high that anything else must be better, the point of decision is near. This is where tension can help you to mobilize, but too much tension can immobilize you. 6. Purpose: Clarity of purpose allows you to see and understand the value of your struggle. You must know you are playing in the right sandbox and for the right reason. Now comes the promise of success. Through example or belief, you now know success is possible and you can make a decision to go for the suc- cess. If you are off purpose, are set- tling for less or see your world from the window of scarcity, you might make the decision of indecision and only move toward failure. 7. Decision: The decision to move forward or to make no decision, the choice is yours. Knowing what to hold on to and what to discard is crucial to your well being. This is where your emotional ownership comes alive. No decision, no ownership and a continual decline. Yet, with a new decision, all becomes possible. Look for your emotional strength and security rather than comparing your self to what is not real. Be cau- tious of not falling into the impostor syndrome, thinking that you are not really good enough. Look for your moments of decision. A friend quit drinking, and I asked him about his moment of decision. He told me that it was one night while he was hanging out his second-story bath- room window, about to fall out and in a drunken stupor and realizing that he should change his life. He said that he knew if he didn’t make some changes soon, he would no longer have a life. 8. Paying the price and taking risk: This is the truth detector. This is the point on your journey where you must internalize the intellectu- al ownership of your decision. You must be willing to pay the prices. Nothing good is free. Having a track record of previous success and concrete examples of other successful person’s journeys will help. It’s now time to stick your neck out! 9. Getting help: Relationship building at its fin- est. Nobody goes it alone. Every successful person seeks help. You may end up with some unlikely partners, especially people that can help you connect with your inner strength. Receiving help con- nects you back to all your previous steps. Also, you must accept help in anchoring back to your moment of decision. 10. Accepting success: Self-confidence and self-worth go hand in hand. Accepting that you are worthy of success is key. When you have completed your journey to emotional ownership, you do it all over, repeatedly. Additionally, you must realize that BUSINESS TIP –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 30 TileLetter | April 2017