b'STONE brought it to life through exquisitecondition. Taking simple steps to tilesandslabs,whichadornourread the recommendations, using floors and walls across the globe.therightproductsandnotskip-Keeping stone material in its mostpinganystepsindoingsocan beautifulstatetakesjustafewultimatelymeanthatcustomers simplestepstounderstandwhatarehappy,therewillbemore youareworkingwith,andthenmoney in your pocket, and chanc-learningtheproperprotocolstoes to be called back on a regular bring them back to that beautifulbasis are optimized.Before and after marble cleaning.JeffMoenistheNationalSales &MarketingDirectorofFilaUSA. Inhisover35yearsinthetile andstoneindustry,Jeffhasbeen involved in all facets from tile man-ufactureranddistributorthrough maintenanceandinstallation.As FILAs National Sales and Marketing Director, Jeff has been instrumental inthecompanysfocustobring innovative products to the market. His wealth of knowledge of tile and stone is broad and practical.92TileLetter | November 2019'