b'BUSINESS TIP leadstodisengagement.This finding underscores the idea that, rather than blaming the employ-ee for performance or discipline issues,perhapsthesupervisorquestionstoseehowtheycom-should be evaluated first.pare. VeryfewfirmsattainBest Thereisnosinglesolutiontoin Class distinction. Over 90% of improve culture. The number oneemployees must respond and say reasonpeoplestayinajobisthe culture is a great place to work agoodrelationshipwiththeirto be confident it is true, but a firm immediatesupervisor.Peopleneed not be best in class today to dontworkforanindustry,theybe better tomorrow. workforasupervisor.WhatanyEffortsandactionsthatbuild reader can do is look inside theirtrustareessential.Leadersliving ownorganizationandasktheseup to commitments and sincerely talking with employees build trust. Helping people feel they are in on things and giving candid feedback build loyalty. All of these actions must be consistent and sustained. Excellenceisntapro-gram,itisawayoflife. Creatingagreatculture isanall-handseffortthat startswithkeyleaders across all levels of the orga-nizationworkingtogeth-Established 1990ertoexecuteacoherent Jenn human capital strategy. Web Development Team Mike J.Marketing TeamWallyAdamchik,CSP, CMC,isthePresidentof Milton Web DevelopmentCorporate Video Production Greg Graphic Designer Client Support Telephone On-Hold MessagesPrinted Promotional Gear FireStarterSpeakingand Consulting and is a recog-Review Management Search Optimizationnized authority on leader-Anthony Paid Search Management shipinconstruction.He Corain Audio Team CALL US TODAY! istheauthorthe2019 Web Development TeamPeopleInConstruction Bryan Report.Foryourown Sales Team Managercopyofthereportemail wally@beafirestarter.com 36TileLetter | November 2019'