b'STONE wayistoalwayssealthestone,stone,frommarblestoslate, BEFOREgrouting.Thisisavital,MotherNaturehastrulycreated cardinal rulealways seal an acid- someofthemostbeautifulsur-sensitive stone before grouting. Thefacingmaterialonourplanet. use of a normal sealer will suffi ce. Weve pulled it from the earth and Whatdoyoudoif grouthazedoesappear onanacid-sensitive stone?Here,weneed toworkwithaneutral cleaner and the mechan-ical action of scrubbing. Scrubbingisimportant. Ifthestonehasanatu-ralfi orishoned,nish you can use an alkaline cleanertoremovean epoxy residue. From granites to lime- Cement residue on stone.90 TileLetter | November 2019'