Joe Tarver NTCA Executive Director Emeritus Conscious of space constraints, and knowing that I’m Baptist, Lesley reminded me that for my comments to be immortal, they don’t have to be eternal. I’ll try to be concise and brief. Sharing association and industry his- tory is somewhat akin to telling my life story. They’ve been inextricably entwined for well over 60 years. My first 15 years in the industry was in manufacturing. I was persuaded to abandon that sector and become the Executive Director of the Southern Tile Contractors Association in 1972, not knowing it would consume me and my time for the next 30 years. I’ve continued since as Executive Director Emeritus totaling 45 years associated with NTCA and 60 years in the industry. During the 1940s – 1960s the tile industry was apathetic with antiquated factories producing limited products with generally poor quality. In 1972 the total tile industry value was less than $250,000,00 dollars. Today it’s a multi-billion dollar market. Imported products offering a pletho- ra of styles, colors, patterns and sizes contributed to this unprecedented growth. NTCA opened its trade show to foreign markets in the early ‘70s and was a major influence in attract- ing and exposing those products to the U.S. marketplace. There truly is a significant correlation between the growth of NTCA and the growth of the domestic tile and stone industries. Even in down economies there has always been excitement and passion for the future. Research shows during the past half century there were only a few years the industry did not show a positive growth pattern. Increased manufacturing technol- ogy, combined with a shrinking num- ber of qualified tile setters, demanded technological advancements in less labor-intensive and more user-friendly products and methods for installation. Development of those products, meth- ods and standards required education and training in their use. NTCA has, and is, meeting those challenges and is the unquestioned leader in those fields. Training, education and publica- tions, combined with good people and good management, have been key elements in the success of NTCA. Unselfishly sharing its total resourc- es for the betterment of the entire industry, while maintaining a nomi- nal membership cost and reasonable charges for products and services has been an NTCA mainstay, Good people, was and is, the other element: only four Executive Directors in its 70 year history. A small dedicated staff that measures success by accom- plishments, not by hours invested. Passionate, dedicated, unselfish and unpaid volunteer officers and board NTCA recollections NTCA has touched a lot of lives over the years – professionally and personally. Here some NTCA staff, members, officers and long-time tile industry members reminisce about their days with NTCA over the last 70 years. Celebrating 70 years 90 TileLetter | September 2017