b'TECHNICALUPDATE! Respirable Silica Compliance By Mark Heinlein,NTCA Training DirectorHi everyone. I know you are allwhatPaulhadtosayaboutthe out there staying healthy, wealthystate of the regulation:and wise by following your local, county,regional,stateandfed- Therehasbeenverylittlehap-eral guidelines to protect you, yourpening on the silica front.employees and your customers byIn August of 2019 OSHA issued preventingthatpeskyCOVID-19aRequestforInformation(RFI) virus from finding its way into yourregarding revisions to construction lungs.ThismademethinkthisTable1. TheOSHAwebsitesays wouldbeagreattimetoupdatetheyarecurrentlyanalyzingthe youonthecurrentstateofcom- data received during the RFI.pliancewithOSHAsRespirableThe current Unified Regulatory Airborne Silica regulation. Just likeAgenda, an outline of when agen-COVID, you dont want those tinyciesbelievetheywillbeissuing silica particles to build up in yourregulations,indicatesthereisa lungs. NoticeofProposedRulemaking Here it is: There is no change. datedJuneof2020.Pleasesee Thats right. No changeyet. Asthefollowinglinksforfurther Imsureyouknow,thegearsofinformation:government sometimes grind slow-ly,whichseemstobehappeningOSHA Silica Page:with this regulation. In my experi- https://www.osha.gov/dsg/topics/ence, this usually means that thosesilicacrystalline/in charge of a program are takingSilica in the Regulatory Unified along,carefullookbeforemak- Agenda:ing changes to a regulation whilehttps://www.reginfo.gov/public/people are getting familiar with it. do/eAgendaViewRule?pubId= Irecentlycheckedinwith201910&RIN=1218-AD18TCNAs Government Affairs Senior SpecialistPaulRegina.HereisAsPaulnoted,theprimaryitem 86TileLetter | August 2020'