NTCA BENEFITS BOX Newest member benefit: Zlien One of NTCA’s newest mem- ber benefits is Zlien, a company that assists over 24,000 contractors nationwide in protecting lien rights and reducing financial risk. Zlien’s mission is to empower successful construction projects by getting the lien rights “mess” out of the way. Zlien’s website (zlien.com) explains that “Mechanics lien and bond claim rights are connected to every payment in construction – a $960 billion a year industry. By helping material suppliers, lenders, and everybody in between easily manage these rights, we strive to facilitate successful projects, smooth payments, and happy people. “Our mission is to enable all proj- ect stakeholders to protect their finances and succeed in their jobs, all without a drop of stress.” Building a fair payment pro- cess for the construction industry, Zlien’s cloud-based platform makes lien rights easy. Construction firms, contractors, suppliers, and other project stakeholders nationwide use Zlien to eliminate the adminis- trative headaches and legal guess- work associated with lien waiver exchanges, preliminary notices, and mechanics lien compliance. Zlien employs what it calls “The Lien Genome™” that the site explains like this: “Four out of 5 construction busi- nesses believe that managing lien security and lien waivers is hard. It’s no wonder, since lien laws around the United States demand more than 100,000 combinations of deadlines, documents, dates, and other requirements. We’ve mapped this landscape of lien laws, calling it the Lien Genome™. With a few basic pieces of project information, the Lien Genome™ will instantly explain how to protect lien rights and exchange proper lien waivers. Our goal isn’t to help you under- stand lien laws. With zlien, you’ll never think about lien laws again.” Visit the Member Benefits section of the NTCA website at www.tile- assn.com to find out more about how Zlien can help you. Interested in becoming a member to make the most of this and other mem- ber benefits? Contact Jim Olson at jim@ tile-assn.com. Newest member benefit: Zlien 58 TileLetter | February 2018