b"TECHNICAL FEATURE (continued) tar bed and beating the tiles in place was the preferredHow should contractor manage the porosity of the prod-method before thinset was invented. Now using a heavyucts? Does the porosity create issues?tile mortar, you achieve the same desired results of zeroPorosity is a huge challenge with these tiles, consider-lippage. It is particularly important to follow the manufac- ing they are not fired. Some of these tiles will even have a turers instructions to install their product properly. Thesehigh moisture content remaining from the factory. Check tiles do not meet ANSI 137.1 standards. withamoisturemeterbeforeinstallation.Curlingcan occur as the moisture vacates the tile.This material needs to be sealed multiple times before grouting to minimize or elimi-nate staining from the grout. Topical seal-ers, penetrating sealers, and grout releases areusedtominimizestaining.Multiple sealercoatswillberequiredforsuccess. Cementitious grouts have pigments encap-sulated in the grout that are conducive to stainingtheproperprecautionshaven't been taken. Some of the high-performance grouts and urethanes can help also.It is advisable to do a sample of the tiles with some loose pieces before tackling the area installed. Again, following the manufac-turer instructions is pivotal for success. If some of the tiles become stained, it may be next to impossible to remove the staining. We have had some success with sanding the surface of the tiles to remove stains when necessary. You need to use silicone carbide Check tiles with a moisture meter before installing to avoid issues related to porosity.200 grit sandpaper to refinish the face. If you use anything higher (for example 320, 400 or 600 grit) it will enhance the shine on the tile of the area in question and leave you with even more issues.Are cement tiles prone to cracking? How do contractors avoid this?Substrate preparation is important. Do not be fooled by the thickness of the tilethese are prone to cracking if the substrate is not prepared properly. The edges are fragile and can chip if not handled with care. Encaustic/cementtilesarenotstandard thickness. How should contractors manage this when setting with other tile products toreducethevarianceinthefinished install?Youmustaccountforvariationinthe product. Do a mockup to unveil customer Cement tiles are prone to cracking if the substrate is not prepared properly. expectationsandshowtheirregularities 142020|TECH"